10 Things About Coffee You Should Know
Coffee with its most transparent qualities is something to be treasured. 3 things we know for sure -- It tastes good, It makes you hate humans a little less in the morning, You can drink it at any time of day. Although if you’re a true coffee lover these three obvious facts aren’t enough. Let us enlighten you on the true wonders of a cup o’ joe.
Here are 10 facts you didn’t know about coffee.
1.Coffee is the 2nd most traded commodity in the world.
Coming in 2nd to the more controversial oil, coffee is produced in over 50 countries around the world. Woah.
2. You can indeed overdose on coffee.
Watch that intake! It’s true, you can technically overdose on coffee, however it would require you drink and excessive amount and coming from us, that is a lot.
3. New Yorkers drink almost 7 times as much coffee as the rest of the US.
They don’t call it the city that never sleeps for nothing! As New Yorker’s we can attest to this fact. It’s true and were proud and caffeinated.
4. The average american spends $20 a week on coffee.
Cut down on cost and brew your coffee at home people - check out some of our most popular flavors.
5. Coffee is most effective between 9:30-11:30am.
This has to do with your natural cortisol levels which are highest around 8 to 9am and 12 to 1 pm.
6. The world consumes close to 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day.
Like we said, 2nd most traded commodity in the world.
7. George Washington (NOT THE PRESIDENT) invented instant coffee...
This inventor actually didn’t technically “invent” instant coffee but he was the first to mass produce it!
8. Drinking a cup of coffee improves blood flow.
9. One of the world’s most expensive coffee brand is made from the droppings of Thai elephants.
…we’d try it.
10. The word “coffee” is Arabic for “wine of the bean”.
That’s probably why we love to drink it in the morning, afternoon and at night. There are no rules when it comes to coffee!